Well, here's the upshot to this story. I got a box from Neotac yesterday. It included no note or commentary. Frank sent me a replacement quart of Hook-It, and an assortment of small bottles. These included a 6 oz. bottle of both Khameleon Particle Sand High Tech Ball Restorer, and Renew-It. These are two products that I use extensively. There were also three 4 oz. bottles of products that I haven't seen before. One is "Natural Ball Cleaner & Polish", which says that it is "Made from 100% Natural Ingredients - Environmentally Friendly - Contains No Petroleum Based Products, Synthetic Fragrances, Chlorine, Ammonia, or Dyes." Another is "Spray On - Wipe Off Ball Cleaner", which doesn't say much except that it is "Acceptable for use during ABC/WIBC Sanctioned League Events." The last bottle is the most mysterious. It has a hand printed sticker on it that says "All Natural Sand" written in ball point pen. It has a high viscosity sound to it when shaken, similar to the Khameleon product.
I haven't used any of this stuff yet. The new quart of Hook-It is still somewhat mysterious to me. It has the signature reddish color of Hook-It, and the same clearness and viscosity, but almost no smell. The bad bottle that started all this was the wrong color and had a bitter, acrid smell. Maybe this replacement bottle just lacks the fragrance additive. I'll try it out on a ball that has been retired and see if it goes on the same as Hook-It and acts the same in all aspects of application, and leaves the ball with the familiar tacky feel.
I appreciate Neotac's quick and generous response to this issue. I'd just be a little more comfortable if my replacement Hook-It had the familiar smell.
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