For some more info take a look at Ebonites "Why Do Bowling Balls Die?" article
story is 4 pages with pictures and diagrams.
Click Here Why Balls DieHeres a sample-
"What Creates The Hook Is Also What Kills It
Plasticizer migration does two things in high concentrations. First, it slows oil
absorption, which is one of the reasons for loss in ball performance. Second, and
more importantly, migration concentrates plasticizer in the track area of the
"The Reactive Ball Death Theory
It’s more plasticizer saturation than lane oil absorption"
" Diagram 5 shows the effects of heat on a coverstock. Notice the sweating of
plasticizer on the surface of the coverstock as heat is applied."
"Particle ball death can be largely attributed to the migration of the
plasticizer as well as degradation of the particle, specifically glass bubble