I was in the same boat.
By far, the best fix is to adjust your release.
For me, this took some doing, i had some bad habits from all the years on the house shot.
I also learned about drilling's/layouts(enough to be dangerous)
I read as much as time allows about the technical parts of this game.
IMHO, as stated above, polish can magnify the ball at the break point, I used to get ridiculous, violent backend.
And I went through many different balls
had a lot of luck with a yellow-dot, used it for years with 10+ honor scores
Now, with a much more consistent release and better timing, I can use stronger equipment which makes the carry percentage better.
The final thing that made it all come together for me was shortening my span, I had the old stretched grip where you need that to help turn the ball.
Now all yo have to do is get it off your hand, the ball will do the rest.
One other thing I tinkered with is an additional step after polish was something called "delayed reaction"
Mine is by track, makes it skid like a marble,but still flipped hard.
Maybe try more surface, like 2000 + polish + delayed reaction.
It might help some
Just my $.02 worth