Once again, a heated argument started at the lanes over cleaners. I gave a suggestion, and someone had a strong opinion on it.
First there was a miscommunication. The ball cleaner I suggested was powerhouse dull. The person who was opposed to this thought I meant the powerhouse power wash. He basically stated that power wash was junk. I tried to restated my opinion, but he insisted what I stated was wrong.
His comment was power wash puts a residue on his ball that he can't remove. I tried to explain that it's not the powerful of cleaner, but is legal to use during competition. It's not going to give you a deep clean, but I think it cleans the ball some. I spray it on paper towel and see dirt on the paper towel when I wipe it clean.
He is a firm believer in alcohol. That is all he uses and he believes it cleans the ball better than any manufacturer cleaner out there.
I am looking for some clarification. I remember charlest putting an extensive list of good cleaners out there. Ones that can be used during competition and the ones that really deep clean the ball (Only can be used after competion).
I want to reccomend what is best to these people.