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Author Topic: Hook it----consistancy???  (Read 6591 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Hook it----consistancy???
« on: June 04, 2003, 10:46:36 AM »
I have had probably 6 different bottles of Hook It and have had 3 different looks to the 6.

I have had 4 bottles that were like a gel. They worked well, and I thought that is how the stuff really was supposed to be. It did not alter the surface of the ball at all just added some tackiness whether the ball was dull or polished. I had 1 bottle that was not quite as thick and it still worked well....did not really change the surface of the ball, just cleaned it and made it tacky. Then the newest bottle I got was just liquid, like water. It dulled a few balls that were polished from 1200 grit to 2000 grit. Almost seemed like this stuff was liquid sandpaper, no marble or whatever in the bottle though. I was in a bind and needed some quick so I bought a bottle from a bowling alley across town, usually I deal with the distributor directly. I do not know if it just sat there for so long and the shelf life was not what they expected or what.

Anyone else have this problem with Hook It???
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2003, 09:58:15 AM »
I have one bottle. It is thin, almost watery and more like paint remover, in consistency and use. I believe Hook-it is made to be a very thorough, deep cleaner for dull balls, although it is said that you can use it on polished balls. If you use too much, it can dull polished balls, like Track's Clean and Dull. It is not an abrasive and it should not be used on polyester balls. I used it on a urethane solid once and it appeared to almost, but not wuite etch the surface. I called Neo-Tac on the phone about that situation and they inissted it wwas OK to use it on urethane, but I did not like what it did.

With all the above, and the worry about the effect on humans, I am hesitant to use it again and doubt if I will buy another. For deep cleaning, my immediate inclination is to use Clean and Dull.
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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 11:01:15 AM »
Officially Hook-it is supposed to be a thin liquid. If you got a gel, then that was probably either contaminated, or really old.

Here's the official description from their MSDS:
"Appearance & Odor: Creamy red liquid, Cinnamon odor"

Charlest said:
With all the above, and the worry about the effect on humans, I am hesitant to use it again and doubt if I will buy another.

I wondered the same thing... That's why I got the material safety data sheet on it from Neo-tac. The stuff for all intensive purposes is pretty harmless. I would say it was safer than Laquer Thinner or those sort of things.

Here's a thread where I posted the info on Hook-it:

Edited on 6/5/2003 11:06 AM


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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2003, 11:01:59 AM »
Mine is very thin , like water. I use it on most of my balls including the urethanes with good results. It takes the oil out of the ball very well.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2003, 11:18:53 AM »
I know I can still use this bottle on dull balls with no problem.

I use the Hook-it and Track's Clean n Dull. They both work really well.

I guess the biggest question I have is if anyone else has had Hook-it dull a polished ball. The 5 bottles I had that were thicker than the one that dulled a polished ball were like a gel----maybe even as one said in their post, somewhat creamy, but the bottle where it was thinner took the polished right off.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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da Shiv

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2003, 12:09:34 PM »
I've been through several small bottles of Hook-It, and am now on my second quart size bottle.  In all cases it has been a thin, red liquid with a viscosity like water.  Neotac describes the smell as cinnamon, but it smells sort of berryish to me.

Neotac says it will leave shiny balls shiny and dull balls dull, and I think that's true up to a point.  I've noticed that if I use it on a ball with a 1500 grit surface, the ball looks the same afterwards.  If I use it on a 2000 grit ball, it seems to end up a bit duller.  There's a way to avoid that problem, however.  Make a 50-50 mixture of Renew-It and Hook-It, shake it up before use, and use that on shinier balls.  They stay shiny that way.  I got this idea off of Neotac's website ages ago, but it isn't on there now.  My pro shop uses this formula as well.

I'm a big fan of Hook-It.  I use it on almost every bowling ball.  Just don't use it on polyester bowling balls.  It also seems to me that I get an even greater "tackifying" effect and increased hook if I use Hook-It on a ball immediately prior to bowling.  I don't do that all the time, because I'm not looking for that effect all the time, but the effect is almost like dulling the surface a bit, and it's legal during ABC play.  

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2003, 06:17:11 PM »
The stuff for all intensive purposes is pretty harmless.

Ummm... that would be "for all intents and purposes".

Did I tell you the one about thinking a line from a Cream song that went "Now he's married to Mabel" was "Now he's not a tomato"?
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da Shiv

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2003, 08:25:02 PM »
Did I tell you the one about thinking a line from a Cream song that went "Now he's married to Mabel" was "Now he's not a tomato"?

My mom thought the CCR line "there's a bad moon on the rise" was "there's a bathroom on the right."

Even taking a shower in that bathroom won't get the smell of Hook-It off of your hands.

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2003, 05:12:34 AM »
The Neo Tac Hook-It that I have is also a watery substance, bothe the small bottle and the quart that I purchased.

However, recently while at Lancaster Lanes in Lancaster NY I noticed in their pro shop that they had some Hook-It from Neo Tac that had the word "gel" on the label. Maybe I should stop back and see if there still is some.
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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2003, 05:19:29 PM »
There's a funny web site out there with loads of "misheard" lyrics. I used to have a calendar of them, too.
Never saw any gel-like hook-it. Not really cinnamon smell, either.  Sort of like berry with maybe clove.
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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2003, 02:42:40 AM »
I'm not sure how you guys apply this stuff, whether it is by hand or with a buffer.  I never had any success applying Hook-It by hand, so I went to Sears and bought a 3-D Sander and some buffing pads.  I buffed a generous amount into the ball until it was dry, the whole room smelled like cherry!  If that ball were any lighter, I could have palmed it.  When I took it to the lanes, I got a reaction that I never could buffing it in by hand with a paper towel.  The ball was mega aggressive!!  On a house shot, the ball started to move mid lane more than it ever did brand new, and when it got to the backend, it was flying!  Also, the ball didn't readily absorb oil, it seemed much easier to wipe the oil off with a towel than it had been before, and I think I know why.  A couple of days after buffing Hook-It in the ball, I left it in the trunk on a hot day.  When I opened the trunk, I was welcomed by a sweet cherry smell.  Upon opening my bag, I found that the ball had bled Hook-It, instead of the usual oil.  And it was about as thick in consistency in the bottom of the bag as it had been when I squeezed it out of the bottle(mine is a gel)!  No wonder it didn't absorb oil, the pores were clogged with Hook-It!

The 3-D Sander is regular priced at $49.99, but through Father's Day it is priced $29.99!  Don't miss this deal if you are tired of applying compounds to your ball's cover by hand.

For reference, the balls I tested was a Columbia Wicked(first one) dry sanded to 600 and a Messenger Ti Red/Blue at 1000.  The Wicked moved much earlier and stronger and the Messenger later and more snappy, but both moved as though treaded when they did.

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2003, 09:45:42 AM »
I've had numerous 6 ounce bottles and 32 ounce bottles of Hook-It, and all of them have been a very thin, watery, pinkish-red liquid.  I've used it with great success on reactive resin balls (dull and polished), and I use it regularly on dull particle balls.  The only time that it appears to "dull" a ball is when the ball was actually dull to start with, but the pores had become clogged with lane oil and dirt, giving the ball a glassy-glazed appearance....when cleaned with Hook-It, the coverstock appearance returned to the previous dull condition.

I even have a quart bottle that is several years old now, and it is still a thin, watery liquid.  I've never run across any gel-like Hook-It.

Oh yeah....DO NOT use Hook-It on a plastic (polyester) ball, or you will be in for a big surprise.  Hook-It will soften the coverstock of a polyester ball, so you want to avoid using it on polyester.  I had a bottle of Hook-It leak out some into my bowling bag, and it got onto my Blue Dot.  The Hook-It that got on the Blue Dot made for an interesting surface texture until the Hook-It finally evaporated.

da Shiv

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Re: Hook it----consistancy???
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2003, 11:58:47 AM »
A couple of days after buffing Hook-It in the ball, I left it in the trunk on a hot day. When I opened the trunk, I was welcomed by a sweet cherry smell. Upon opening my bag, I found that the ball had bled Hook-It, instead of the usual oil.

It's been my theory for some time that part of how Hook-It works as a cleaner is by displacing oil from the shell of the ball.  I think that Hook-It does evaporate eventually, but that the reason why it disappears when using it on a bowling ball is mostly because it soaks into the ball.  This theory has been reinforced by my finding that a new Hammer Diesel Particle Solid does not absorb Hook-It NEARLY as fast as most other balls.  It will stay on the surface of that ball for a long time if you don't wipe it off.  Interestingly, that ball does not absorb oil very fast either.  I have to wipe lots of oil off of that ball during use, when other balls don't show much surface oil at all.  I posted the results of one experience I had that reinforced this conclusion about Hook-It at


P.S.  I just noticed that you may have to reset your preferences to 120 days to see my reply to the above-referenced post.
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Edited on 6/8/2003 12:04 PM
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