Please don't tell me anyone is actually considering this. This is tragic from start to end, all it does is capitalize on a bunch of misconceptions and misinformation that are/is prevailing in the industry. It's just taking advantage of the ignorance that has been created by some in the industry because ignorance is profitable. This WAS however the funniest video I've seen today, so thanks for the laugh . . I mean, did no one notice that the first couple shots were being thrown on a completely different line and MUCH faster than the last shot after the "magic juice?" Yeah if I take an Outcry and throw it right through the middle of the lane at 22 mph it's probably going to blow the breakpoint, but if all the sudden I slow it down and catch the friction a whole arrow and a half further right, it might do something. I specifically like how the camera is set up to hide everything about the ball reaction. Stuff like this pisses me off because it's just a gimmick, if you want the ball tackier, buy an 8 dollar bottle of any one of the dozens of cleaners out there that make the ball tacky.