1)Get a large stew pot or 5 gallon bucket. Anything you can totally submerge the ball in will do.
2)Add dawn dish detergent(make sure it's a degreaser, I'm pretty sure they all are though) to the pot or bucket. I also add some simple green to the mixture.
3)Fill it up with the hottest tap water possible. If you're water doesn't get very hot mix in some boiling water to bump it up a bit.
4)Drop the ball in for about 30 minutes. Everyone has their own amount of time they use but I have always used 30 minutes and had great success. You can throw some tape over the holes or use stoppers if you have them. Personally I don't bother.
5)Take the ball out and run it under that hot tap water for a minute to rinse off the oil and soap.
6)Wipe it down with some alcohol to get rid of any excess residue. And you're done, ball is good as new.
If you are planning on roughing the surface up do it before you soak it. That way any residue from the surface change will be washing off as well. I will throw mine on the spinner and hit it with some scotch brite, do the steps above, and then put it back on the spinner for a coat of beans sauce. Doing this really does work wonders for the reaction of the ball.
Edited on 1/29/2008 2:26 PM