I recently used Ebonites Factory Polish on my Cherry Bomb, I had cleaned it with the hot water and Dawn solution, then wanted to get looking like new again, so I hand polished it with the Factory Polish. Last night I threw it for the first time, and it barely moved. Out of agrevation, I took a scotch brite pad, applied some cleaner, and litely sanded it. After that it did hook more, but started hooking at my feet. If I applied a lite coat of the factory polish, will that allow the ball to get down the lane before making it's move to the pocket, and will it hook again like it should? What am I going to have to do to get the ball as close to new again as I can?
Also, I have red Predator that I also sanded with a scotch brite pad after I cleaned it, and it too hooks at my feet when I threw it. If I applied some of the Factory Polish, will it give the ball some length, and still hook?
I would really appreciate any help available as I really want my equipment to react the way it's supposed to.
MMMMMM, spoiled eggs..AARRRRRAAAAA (drooling)