charlest, what do you recommend for after league cleaning?
I used to use Black Magic, and due to the lateness of my league (not out until 10:30 - 11:00 pm) I have gotten lazy and let it slide. to preserve my stuff again, I am going to clean after league again and was wondering if Black Magic was still a good choice.
That's hard, since the one I use and love, LMB Int'l Extreme Performance cleaner seems to be no longer available.
I stopped using Black Magic because of the harsh industrial aroma (I feared it would be harmful to skin and nose.).
I'd have to go right now with Hook-It and it's the strongest cleaner for use AFTER bowling that can still be used away from home. Still I'd be very careful when I use it and what I did with the cloth afterwards.
There are several very good water based cleaners: Remedy, Knock-Out, Zapp-It, Vise cleaner. They are approved for use during bowling and, of course, after, they are very safe, but they are, in my opinion, a step below LMB's, Hook-It and Clean and Dull.
There is one more cleaner, that I heard (from a very reliable source) was based on LMB's formula, Genesis Maxx. But, I have now bought 2 bottles of it, and from personal experience, I cannot recommend it. Its smell is so toxic, so strong that I literally feared for my life. (Even the original MB cleaner which had a VERY strong smell wasn't as bad as this stuff.) I immediately put the 2nd bottle out in the garage; the first bottle I threw away. I won't use it, but felt I had to report what I found.