I'm very impressed with this sawdust... er, Hook Again stuff so far!!!
I just ordered a refill of the compound to try on some other balls... you can buy this stuff for like $12.00 or something.
It seems like everybody talks about their particle balls dying after 100 games and then they use the Hook Again... but what they are doing is letting the ball completely DIE first before they use the Hook Again... but I think it's best to throw it in the Hook Again like after 50 games which is right about the time that you START to see the drop off happening, instead of after 100 games when the thing is completely dead and burried in your backyard's flower bed.
What I mean is this:
Everybody knows what it feels like to have that NEW ball "reaction" when you just get a brand new ball and for the first 40-50 games, the ball is just flat out hooking like mad... coming back from angles never thought possible... end over end players with like 10 degrees of Axis Rotation are crossing like 37.794 boards and bringing the ball back from the 1 board, and even with their 2 revs and lack of rotation, the ball is screaming back and going brooklyn and they're so happy and so amazed that they have great big ol' tears streaming down their face... and they're shooting 800's every other week or 2... and making the 7-10 split by hitting both pins WITH THE BALL because it's got so much backend hook that it goes down to the 10 pin and knocks it over and then just SNAPS!!! over to the 7 pin and knocks it over and the next thing you know you've got yourself a lovely 7-10 Split PATCH................................. and then after 50 games, the thing starts dying and the bowlers become so saddened that they start looking for the nearest clif to drive their car off of because they've simply had enough!
Well, my friends... don't give up yet! There's still hope!
Instead of letting the thing completely DIE, why not keep the ball's life going by doing the Hook Again more often than just every 100 games... maybe like every 50 games? It's not that expensive.
Because see what happens is, during the FIRST 50 games of the ball's life... you shoot the lights out regularly. But during the LAST 50 games, you continue to keep using that same ball that is dying little by little and the ball ends up getting you in trouble because it doesn't have that "crisp" reaction when it was NEW. And your scores drop dramatically.
What would be a great thing is... after say 50 games (which is before the thing is completely dead, and it still has a decent heartbeat left), put it in the HOOK AGAIN (and also give it a resurface and polish it up with Ebonite's "Particle Polish" to remove the BROKEN particle's from the ball as EBONITE says) and revive it so that you don't see that big drop off in performance and by doing this your scores won't start to suffer!
New balls just always seem to carry better for the first 40-50 games or so. Most people usually bowl their best games/sets with a new ball, or a "new ball reaction".
This theory make sense???
Edited on 5/18/2004 9:43 PM