Most mfg.'s just list doing 4 sides (6 sides is usually just done when doing a true full resurface)
Here's a example using Storms surfacing guide recommendation:
To get a 4000-grit Factory Finish
1. 500-grit pad – Sand firmly for 30 seconds on all four sides.
2. 2000-grit pad – Sand lightly for 10 seconds on all four sides.
3. 4000-grit pad – Sand lightly for 5 seconds on all four sides.
You've got to be VERY, VERY carefulwhen doing a full 4 sides.
When dong 6 sides, you have to be HYPER careful with pressure and, I STRONGLY suspect, you have to be super careful and use ONLY brand new pad, lots of water (or none at all, which is dangerous to your health) and minimal pressure to insure what you're using/getting is the precise grit level you want/need.
Unless I'm doing a full resurfacing, I use only 2 sides and then I am very careful with the kind of pad I use and the shape it is in. If you try to do 4 sides, I'd bet that 9 times out of 10, you use too much pressure and you wind up with something much, much finer than you wanted or needed.
I suspect that you, in general, think you (in general) are being thorough, but what you (In general) wind up being is too much of everything.
(Not you personally, Aloarjr)