I was just given sample bottles of two new Neo-Tac products to test out. One is labeled Hook Plus, which looks to be a ultra strong version of Hook-It. The other, which is labeled Glide, appears to be similar to Renew-It, with a stronger polishing agent.
I've been able to test out Hook Plus. It seems to clean every bit as effective as Hook-It. The product removes all belt marks, flare rings, oil shine, and other gunk from the ball. I've only used it once, but it doesn't seem to leave any more "Tac" than Hook-It. I'll test it more across different surface types before making any final judgements.
I haven't had the opportunity to test Glide at all. I'm going to apply it on a ball I'm planning to use tomorrow night, so I'll have a better feel for the product then.
Has anyone had the opportunity to use either of these newer Neo-Tac products? I'd welcome any real world related input.