I ran across this while researching on online:
Norton flexible finishing PADs
http://www.nortonindustrial.com/uploadedFiles/SGindnortonabrasives/Documents/Flyer-MicrofinishingPads-FlexibleClearChoiceU450-8353-IND.pdfOther than the grits they list them as, they look like NEAT pads same colors and they talk about using them for Bowling ball finishing.
and how they eliminated the need for compounds and buffing. plus they lasted 2-3X longer than foam pads.
That basically sounds like NEAT pads claim.
Bowling Ball Manufacturing
Original surface generation and surface restoration
Custom proprietary designed ball spinner sanding and
polishing machines
norton Clear Choice U450 5†diameter hook and loop discs
in a P320, P500, P800 and P1200 sequence
(Abralon pads I guess)Coated flexible foam-backed discs
RESULTS:the current foam-backed disc application requires a
minimum of 4 grits, followed by one or two additional
processes using compounds and buffing pads to generate
the desired surface finish to produce the correct action of the
ball on the bowling surfaces.
Norton Clear Choice U450 discs accomplished the complete
task- eliminating the compounds and generating new
surface characteristics that enhance ball performance on a
multitude of lane surface conditions.