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Author Topic: Oil in the balls  (Read 1239 times)


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Oil in the balls
« on: October 13, 2005, 02:17:27 AM »
With the new balls that are out today, they pick up lots of oil. That is what they are designed to do. So what is the best why to get all that oil out. If the balls can absorb that much oil won't they also absorb the water if you soak them in hot water to get the oil out. I have also heard of the heating method, but some manufactures say that brings out the resin in the balls and that you don't want to do that. So what is the right way to keep these balls reacting right.



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Re: Oil in the balls
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 10:32:44 AM »
This topic get beaten up every now and then... well, balls are not designed to suck oil, they simply do because the aggressive coverstocks are porous like a sponge.
Extracting the oil can be done with professional help like Ebonite's Hook Again system or at a pro shop with a REJUVENATOR device. But basically, it is either sucking out the oil with an even more spongy substance (Hook Gaian - I heard that 1 week in kitty litter does the same and somebody around here mentioned some swimming pool filter granulate which works fine, too) or heating the ball to make the oil sweat out.

At home, baking the ball in the oven is a risky business because it is hard to control the heat and temperatur shocks can crack ball surface or the inside. My personal favorite is the bucket method: placing the ball into a bucket, add some APC and fill it up gently with WARM (NOT boiling) water, so hot that you can still stand it with bare hands. I leave the ball for 30mins and repeat if necessary. Thereafter, another wipe with ball cleaner brings back the tacky feeling to the surface.

And the ball will NOT suck up water...

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany