The reason I asked is when I have used Clean N Dull or Hook It in the past it tended to change the surface from gloss to dull. That is why I wondered if it was "slightly melting" the surface grit and therefore changing it.
Your answer has convinced me to use these products when they are needed vs. general cleaning agents that work when cleaning a ball right after use in league as an example.
Thank you for your response.
I have read that some people dulled a polished ball when using C&D on a spinner. I have not done that. I usually use C&D by hand, using the spinner's cup as an easy rotation device to facilitate the use of C&D on the ball's surface.
I have never used Hook-it on a ball while it was spinning.
So I assume both COULD make a ball dull when used on a spinner; for that reason, if, for no other, I don't and have never tried using either cleaner while the ball is spinning. I would SUGGEST that no one do this either. There are easier and safer way sot dull a ball. The spinner does not help clean a ball.