I asked this question over in the Storm forum, and received a great reply. However it has me bringing up additional questions. I thought I would move it here. Since it applies.
Also wondering if you have information on what process should be used to keep the coverstock on this ball in top shape?
maintenance for this ball is no different than any other ball....clean every set, surface refresh every 12-15 games. full resurface roughly every 50-75 games and a rejuvenation about every 75 games. of course it varies for everyone for the rejuvenation and resurface but those are guidelines
What are the differences (process) in the following surface preps mentioned above (I am going to take a guess):
a. Surface Refresh (12-15 games) - Is this putting the ball on the spinner and only using abralon pad or polish that is used on the ball for final surface process when doing a full surface refresh? Example: Ball's surface is at 4000 grit. After 12 games I need to get a 4000grit abralon pad touch up the surface of the ball (6 sided method).
b. Full Surface Refresh (50-75 games) - Going through the full surface process. Something like 500 to 3000 grit surface?
c. Rejuvenation (75 games) - Does this involve oil extraction and time on the haus resurfacer machine, then a a full resurface?
I will be the first to admit. I clean my equipment very well. Pretty much after every set. What I don't do is the Surface Refresh step and I know I don't do the Full Surface Refresh in 75 games.
Half of a 36 week league is 54 games. Add in practices and you get to that 75 game point pretty quick. I am going to keep track of games on a ball a little bit better this year and see if it makes a difference.