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Author Topic: Arsenal surface help  (Read 1128 times)


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Arsenal surface help
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:31:03 AM »
I posted this in Misc, But I think its better suited here.

 I was wondering if I could get some help to change some surfaces to spread my balls out a little. Or even to understand where they should fit. Specs are in my profile.

I currently have available:
* Awesome Revs
* Vendetta 357 Magnum (pin under ring)
* Shock and Awe (No pic, but it has a aggressive drill)
* Storm Spare
*Ragin' banshee (4x4 stacked x-hole on PAP)

To be honest they all seem to have about the same reaction regardless of the condition so I resort to changing my release to suit the lane. With my level of experience that can be a little spotty. I know it's good to learn how to do that, and I am. But I thought maybe I could change some of the surfaces to make the standard med-light, med, heavy oil setup.
I pretty much just use my Revs and 357 now. Revs to start and 357 when they start to break down.
I don't know much about changing surfaces so any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Arsenal surface help
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 04:48:15 AM »
The quickest and simplest way of separating a collection of balls you're happy with is to sand the biggest hooker, and polish the smallest.
When you say that they have the same reaction, do you mean shape/length/overall hook?
It also depends on what pattern you're bowling on. On many THSs the pattern dominant and it largely doesn't matter what you're bowling with, there's only one place to score from.
Bear in mine that sanding will make a ball hook earlier and so will change the reaction shape making more of an arc. Whilst polishing will make the ball go longer, hook less, and be more angular at the breakpoint.
Reporting from England


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Re: Arsenal surface help
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 02:55:46 PM »
Okay, I think I get the idea.  Now I need to decide which to sand and which to polish.

I like my Revs the way it is so maybe I could take my S&A down to say 320ish?  Do I have to put a polish over it when I sand it?

Thanks, for the help, Dave