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Author Topic: Clean n' Smooth questions  (Read 1328 times)


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Clean n' Smooth questions
« on: November 03, 2007, 11:19:35 AM »
hey everyone,

Ive got a question. If i sand a ball to 400-grit and then apply the Track clean and smooth will that change the surface to 1500. Also is it more effective to use track clean and sheen to bring it to a 600 grit surface then to the clean and smooth. Also if I proceeded to polish the 1500 grit ball what would the difference be between using Storm Xtra Shine, Track Magic Shine, or both after one another.

thanks in advance



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Re: Clean n' Smooth questions
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 07:32:36 PM »
I doubt C&Smooth will take a ball to 1500 grit from 400 grit sanding. I use C&SMooth and I'd never even think to try such a thing

Clean and Sheen will not necessarily leave a ball at 600 grit, either.

If you want to use C&S to take a ball to 1500 grit, I would suggest sanding with 400 grit sandpaper, then 600 grit then 1000 grit, then 1200 grit, at a minimum. You can then use 1500 grit sandpaper and C&Smooth will smooth out the sanding marks left by any sandpaper. I've done this a lately

(Aside: Clean and Sheen is meant to remove sanding marks left by the process of smoothing out a plug, which usually involves routing and then some rough sandpaper. It will usually smooth out 400 or 600 grit sanding marks and, when you use enough C&Sheen, for long enough time, with enough pressure on a spinner, you should get close to a 1000 grit or compound polish. It will NOT be a gloss polish, but halfway between a matte finish and a gloss polish.)

So if you do a thorough job with Clean and Sheen, you can probably apply Cleanand SMooth on top of it to get close to a 1500 grit matte finish. HOWEVER, do not rub C&SMooth too hard or too long or you cna get a light polish on it.
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Edited on 11/4/2007 10:44 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."