This is a direct quote/reply from a Lane 1 email reply to me concerning coverstock work with Trizact on particle balls; I figured that I would share the knowledge ...
"I received clarification from Brunswick. Only the diamond cutters from Haas type resurfacers cut the particles. You'll then need to wetsand the ball with the scotchbrite pads, until a slurry develops, cleaning out the broken particles. This is for resurfacing procedures.
For dulling the surface, you can use a 400 grit sand or a heavy scotchbrite or the 35 micron Trizact Pad.
Our understanding from Brunswick was a bit different, as we thought the Trizact pads cut the particles. They're now saying that the particles keep the Trizact pads clean when sanding the ball.
DAMN, I LOVE this game !!!
Robb in O'Fallon, IL (near Scott AFB)