No need to be confused. It is a thorough cleaner and surface refresher. It will clean the surface very thoroughly, will help remove a little bit of oil from just under the surface and will change the surface to 800 grit US/CAMI. If used with a spinner, it will add the lightest of shine. Many, many balls are very useful at this finish. The abrasive in it both helps to clean the surface and resets the surface grit level.
If you just want to clean it without changing the surface, use Remedy. If you want it slightly finer, use a P2000 grit pad afterwards. (P2000 grit ~ 1000 grit US/CAMI).
If you need/want a deep cleaner, try Clean and Dull. It won't change the surface, because it has no grit in it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."