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Author Topic: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon  (Read 2665 times)


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Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« on: January 13, 2007, 06:02:20 AM »
I have Vendetta Sniper that is at factory surface.  Love the reaction on a fresh shot, but I'm bowling tonight during league after another league has already bowled.  Mostly people throwing plastic off the corner, so there is lots of carrydown and very little oil in the heads.  Normally the Sniper eats up carrydown  but I'm having trouble getting through the heads without it burning up.

The Sniper is currently at 2000 abrelon, but I have some Reacta Shine at home that I'm thinking about using.  It says it is a 1500 grit polish.  So which would help me get through the head better, reacta-shine or 2000 abralon?




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Re: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 02:14:52 PM »
Polished balls should always clear the heads better than matte balls.  The trouble I have with polished balls is down lane at the breakpoint when I'm bowling on a similar shot to what you described.  Too much carrydown and a polished pearl is over/under for me.

My Wed. night league is on the same lanes that are used earlier in the day by a ladies league that uses mostly low flare plastic, rubber and urethane balls.  

I usually have success attacking this broken down shot with a 2000 abralon L#1 BCB at first, but have to sometimes switch over to a polished pearl later to get the ball to retain any energy for the breakpoint and pins.  On rare occasions I've used the same ball the entire night and just made sound adjustments.

The advantage you have with the Sniper is that it's a particle pearl, so even polished it should clear the heads well, but still bite at the breakpoint as long as there isn't too big of a puddle there.  Some people can also move around the burned up track area and away from the carrydown with the right ball and still score well, but usually I'm not as comfortable in those areas.
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Re: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 02:18:08 PM »
Just because the jar of polish says 1500 grit does not mean your ball will become "1500 grit polished" just because you applied it.

The degree of finishing grit and the resulting shine depends on the starting grit, the amount of polish applied, the amount of pressure you use and how long it stays on the spinner. That is a large number of factors!

Since your ball is starting at 2000 grit, already much finer than the maximum potential grit (which is what that number actually represents) , I have no idea what that shine will actually do to your ball, besides add a shine to it. What the ending "grit" level will be is impossible to say.

When applying a polish such as Reacta Shine, one would normally sand the ball to somewhere between 600 grit and 1500 grit, with 800-1000 being a decent average.

If you cannot sand yours beforehand, I would apply a light coat by hand and check to see what the ball's reaction is before using it in league.
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Re: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 02:53:32 PM »
J_Mac and Charlest-

Thanks for the quick replies.  I think I'll try some polish by hand and see what happens. I have a Black Widow and Power Groove in case the shot allows me to move in or out.  This shot just always gives me problems.  I'm averaging about 12 pins lower in this league because I can't figure out where to play.

Thanks again!



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Re: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 09:51:06 AM »
You might also try using 4000 abralon.


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Re: Reacta-shine vs 2000 abralon
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 12:19:26 PM »
You might also try using 4000 abralon.

Excellent suggestion! I forgot about that alternative. (Sometimes there's just too many freaking alternatives. )
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."