In accordance with what the others have already said, all factory "Polished" surfaces can be emulated by sanding with a base undercoat of 500 to 4000 grit, left dull. Then applying the "good" factory polish of your choice. There are many of them.
The problem with most factory surfaces, polished or dull, is that they are often very difficult to reproduce with a home spinner. I (and many others) strongly recommend you never use the factory finish, but apply your own surface, in so far as it is possible, which should be specific to the oil pattern and lane surface on which you're bowling. This is true even if your result appears to replicate the factory finish. The main reason is that it will be so much easier to reproduce, when the surface changes, with your bowling.
Balls change so quickly, as little as 3-6 games, that you will often need to refresh the surface, to insure the ball reacts properly. So it's best that it be something you can do quickly and easily.