About once a month somebody comes on here with this same post and I understand why. But, the average 8 oz. bottle of Secret Sauce can do between 30 and 60 balls depending on whether it it used properly. If you go to a Pro Shop to get a ball polished they usually charge at least $5 per ball unless they run a business like a hobby and do it for free. Anyways... Do the math..
I tracked the amount of time before reorders when I sent out the one ounce samples to people and the reorder percent was unreal as far as the reorder percentage of sample buyers. Very high. BUT...The average time for a reorder was over a month later and most customers told me how many balls they did with the one ounce bottle. The price increase was justified by the concentrated potency of the Secret Sauce. The need to buy the polish was decreased by the power of the product.
In turn, I had to raise the prices just to stay in business and make it worth while. That was even hard so I turned to the ball companies to see if they wanted to purchase the exclusive rights to the product and help with marketing. Lane#1 stepped up to the plate and we came to an agreement.
Let it be known that it was not Lane#1 that decided to raise the prices. It was myself after comparing my product to the rest of the similar products on the market. With that said I am 100% possitive that the Lane #1 Secret Sauce is priced at a fair market value compared to it's competitors.
Thanks beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Check out current eBay auctions at:
http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=beanssecretsauce Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!