Sounds dumb, I know.
But here's what happened. I own two balls that have the activator+ cover that's finished in RB, the Prime Zone and the Awesome Flip.
Both balls were rolling out and seemed to be burning out mid-lane so I rarely used them. On one occasion, I got a fairly good scuff on the surface of the PZ and wanted see if it would "buff out". So, I used a liquid cleaning to take the surface dirt off, then applied RB using my spinner and got the mark off.
The next time I used the ball, the ball seemed to get better length and have a better move off the breakpoint rather than a rolling out. So, I used the ball in two different houses over the next two months and began to ave about 220 with it in both leagues
Last week, I bought the AF and experienced the same thing. The AF clear the heads easily then seemed to roll out in the mids. So, I did the same thing and applied a coat of RB over the RB finish already on it. The ball came to life and I got the good midlane read with a hard continuous turn off the breakpoint and no roll out!
Any takes on this?
Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...