How many sides does a bowling ball have? I say one, the outside. Now, how do we go about sanding or polishing a ball? When you have treated a ball on a spinner and turned it over and treated again, you have covered the entire ball. Yes, the sanding lines are all in the same direction, but the entire ball has been sanded. When you turn it to another alignment, all you do is resand with the lines going in a different direction. I say that if you sanded completely the first time, that's enough. When I sand a ball, I start with the lowest grit I am going to use, with a CAB. However I align the ball on the spinner, I sand the part on top, then flip it over and sand the part that was on the bottom. Then I go to the next grit paper and turn the ball 90 degrees (instead of 180, which would be back to the alignment I started with), sand flip and sand. I continue this regimen until the final grit I am going to use, then I sand top and bottom, flip 90 degrees and sand top and bottom again, to achieve a crosshatch pattern with the final sanding lines. This works great for me, and eliminates a lot of extra flipping and sanding, but I do sand a little longer on each side than I would if I was using the "six sides" method. Now, if you are going to use the coarse grits of sandpaper without a CAB, it would probably be better to flip more often to assure the ball stays in round. Comments? -- JohnP