Brunswick's put HG on several particle balls. The Impulse Zone, the Ambush, and the Raging Inferno all had HG finishes. Putting a coat of HG on a particle ball can help it get through spotty heads, while the particles help smooth out the backend reaction and give it more midlane and cut through carrydown on the back. That polish won't turn a particle ball into a skid-snap beast.
On a ball designed for length and a skid-snap reaction like many pearl reactives, HG can enhance that. But it's a double-edged sword, as it can mean the ball is extremely over-under and sensitive to oil. In that case, RB can help smooth the reaction and turn over-under into additional midlane with still a strong backend.
To my knowledge, there are no particle balls with Rough Buff (out of the factory). At least not under the Brunswick name. Morich's Awesome Revs is a particle pearl with a compound finish. It's made by Brunswick, and while Mo doesn't always go with Brunswick's few stock finishes, my guess is that it's RB (I believe the Shock & Awe was also RB). Might be a different starting grit though.
Edited on 4/25/2007 9:41 AM