I have been wanting to ask a question and this seems like a good spot as it might be beneficial to this thread. Some time ago a link was posted to a chart that had been created showing the grit value of many different pads. There was contained in that chart, both SB hand pads and SB nylon pads. The equivalent grit values for those two pads are quit different. For example a white SB hand pad is approx 600-800, while a SB nylon pad is approx 1200. I am guessing that the pads that can be bought in stores or online at places like Buddies Pro Shop are the nylon pad type. Am I correct? I know I used a white pad on one of my balls using a spinner and it seemed quite fine.
Charlest, I am guessing that your SB 360 was maroon and your SB 800 was Lt. gray?