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Author Topic: Spinner: Build your own?  (Read 11403 times)


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Spinner: Build your own?
« on: March 30, 2007, 07:51:05 AM »
Howdy. Has anyone here tried building their own spinner with a used electric motor, automotive belt or other, and an appropriate metal or other heavy duty cup on a spindle?  What about a used centrifuge with the vial casing removed and a cup mounted?  Just wondering, I have thought of this as a possible option to create a variable speed spinner on a metal tube frame.  Does anyone have any experiences?



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Re: Spinner: Build your own?
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2007, 04:26:43 AM »
Scooter, it is a tricky but simple design

I put much thought in it to find a stable and secure solution, and checking DIY stores I found a steel mount for the drill to use cutting disks - you can safely insert it into the drill mount and fasten it, and theoretically you can mount a cutting disk on top with a screw and lock it, safely.
Only thing to do next was drilling a tight hole into the flower pot and the PVC cap, put the cutting disk mount through it, and seizing the holding screw tightly. Works like a charm, is durable and even cheap (I guess this piece costs less than $10).
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Spinner: Build your own?
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2007, 07:52:00 AM »
dizzy, mucho-grassy-ass. i found the grinding bit i think you were talking about, it goes in the the chuck then has a screw at the top that anchors it. i am not sure the pvc piece was right but it was a one that works to attatch the pot onto. i have a 6" pot on it. works great. i think the grinding bit was $5.86 and thepvc was $4.86, the pot was $1.19 and about 4 screws to hold the pot on, so the total is about $13.00. not bad if you have an old drill laying around. i am still looking for that ultimate motor like a dryer motor or something with a little more juice. i was even looking into a grinder and take the stone off that might have a little more power. for now, it's cleaning all of my stuff real well. the guy at lowe's was concerned that eventually the bearings will go out from spinning a 14-15# bowling ball. we will see. thanks again for your help, i am sure it will help someone else out too. cheap and easy, just like my 1st wife. (just ask all my buddies).


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Re: Spinner: Build your own?
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2007, 12:46:21 PM »
grassy-ass? I believe you meant gracias? wow, that made me really laugh out loud

And if I had the time and patience, I'd probably try and build my own spinner but of course I won't even give it a try.. but hey, I'm glad you got yours working, let us know how it holds up. Mine would probably fall apart within the first couple of resurfaces

No pressure could hold sway
Or justify my kneeling away
My center.. ~Tool~

Waste life when youth is sweeter, neater
Content with contents
Cultures cringing at accents
And it's too tense, camp out.. ~Silverchair~

Would you forgive me I'm gifted with this poison pen
Are ya silently, lividly, waiting - for the ever end?.. ~Injected~

Edited on 4/19/2007 12:46 PM


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Re: Spinner: Build your own?
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2007, 01:50:21 PM »
AbAdA, what i really meant was muchass-grassy-ass. but i don't know spanish any better then they know english, but that's another subject. it really is quite easy. one thing i forgot to mention, i have a foot peddle extension cord so i can keep both hands on the pot and ball and still turn it on and off. also, when everything is ready to go, make sure your drill is set on forward and not reverse. another lesson learned the hard way, if it's reverse, the screw that holds the pvc in place will unscrew itself. hence the foot peddle for easy and quick stops. if you do try it, my suggestion is use an old ball just incase of a stafu till you get it sound and you feel comfotable with it. good luck to all.