Charlest, great list but what about us people with the thin wallets? Can you cut the list down to the bare minimums that we may need? i.e. do we need both, Scotchbrite and Abralon? How long does the Abralon last and can we get away the the 1/3 hp vs the 1/2 hp motor since I'm not a pro shop and the spinner won't get a ton of use? Do you need to replace the grips only after sanding? Thanks in advance.
One thing that you may have left out of your list is an 18 gallon tub that the spinner sits in.
What I have next to my spinner:
- Clip-on adjustable light to move around,so I can see what I'm doing.
- Pen, pencil, notepad, grease pencil
- glue for inserts
- Small spray bottles of: water, alcohol, bowling ball cleaner, acetone. (Large bottles of the above, either above or below the spinner.)
- Supply of finger and thumb inserts
- 1/8" flat blade screwdriver for putting in tape and taking out inserts
- Ball cups for holding balls.
- Unoccupied table/shelves to the left and right of the spinner for holding items I am currently working on or with.
- Water bucket (2 quart size) for rinsing out & soaking Abralon pads.
- Columbia's CPR
- Doc's Magic Elixir
- A roll of paper towels suspended from the ceiling for qucik and easy access.
- Clean soft terry cloth and Micro-fiber cloths for applying and buffing
- Terry cloth facecloths for applying cleaner, polishes, compounds, abrasive liquid.
- Cheap towels for wiping everything
- Old undershirts and old toothbrushes for cleaning out finger, weight and thumb holes after sanding or polishing a ball.
- sponges for backing sandpaper and for general cleaning.
- Track's Clean and Dull and Clean and Tacky
- Legends cleaner
- Brunswick Remove-all
- Ultimate's Black Magic Rejuvenator
- Neo-Tac's Liquid Nitro
- Denatured ehtyl alcohol
- Acetone
- Water
- Legends Factpry finish polish
- Track's Magic Shine
- Brunswick's High Gloss Polish
- Track's Delayed Reaction
- Neo-Tac's Control-It
- Ultimate's Black Magic Polish
- Neo-Tac's Renew-it
- Squeaky Clean's polishes: 1000 grit, 2000 grit, 3000 grit (these are OLD.)
Abrasive Liquids (+ polish):
- Storm's Xtra Shine (in quart and 4 oz)
- Track's Clean and Sheen (1000 grit, compound polish)
- Track's Clean and Smooth (1500 grit)
- Ebonite's Matte FInish (1200 grit)
- Ebonite's Sand Blaster (400 grit)
- 3M's Fine Cut Compound polish (1500 grit)
- 3M Finesse-It II
- Brunswick's Rough Buff (compound polish)
- Neo-Tac's Lquid Sandpaper
- Ultimate's Quick Cut and polish
- Silicon Carbide wet/dry sandpaper (220 grit - 2000 grit)
- Abralon pads (1000, 2000 and 4000 grit)
- Scotch-Brite nylon pads: maroon (320), green (600), light grey (800), blue (1000), white (1500)
- Sponge/Scotch-Brite combination with green and blue nylon pads. The pad is attached to a sponge.
- Trizact pads (green, blue, orange and white)
- CABs for Trizact and for everything else.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
3 holes of fun!!