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Author Topic: Surface Refresh  (Read 5382 times)

NY Mike

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Surface Refresh
« on: October 21, 2020, 12:24:41 PM »
How do most people keep their high end 1500 grit solid asym fresh other than usual ball cleaning.   Does anyone hit it with 1500 AB pad, does that work.

Secondly, have a 3000 grit pearl sym- medium hook ball.  PSO recently refreshed cover but I find ball skidding through break point and giving late hook.  I was thinking of hitting ball with a 3000 AB pad, was looking for some info on what to expect.




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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2020, 01:37:31 PM »
Yeah, you have to hit those high-end balls with surface every few games to keep the cover truly fresh. The coverstocks on most of those balls lane-shine so fast that if you want/need to keep surface on them it's a fairly frequent maintenance issue.

As for what to use it's all up to you. There's lots of options out there Abralon, Siaair, and TruCut are probably the most popular. It's more of a trial-and-error kind of thing to figure out what works best for you.

I like the Mirka Mirlon pads myself. That's what the Turbo SandBagger was designed to use and that's the tool I started surface maintenance with. They come in 360, 800, 1500, and 2500 grit options. I'm not exactly sure how they compare to the other options since they are fairly different but my guess is  the 1500 grit Mirlon pad would not be similar to the 1500 grit TruCut pad. Probably comes out as a higher/less abrasive result due to being a much looser type of weave.

NY Mike

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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2020, 02:21:48 PM »
Thank you, Coor Zero.

Appreciate any other opinions, do's and don'ts. 


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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2020, 03:03:41 PM »
My PSO indicated that when he does plug work on a ball, he always resurfaces the ball as part of the final step of the process to make sure the finish is even all the way around.  He always warns customers that the ball may seem to hook less, or go longer, at first.  Once it has a handful of games on it and gets a track back on it, the reaction should return to what it was before the plug work.

That being said, with my high end solids I rarely ever hit them with a pad.  I just clean them immediately after every session and that keeps them reacting great.  Really, the only time I use abralon or siaair is when I am trying a completely different surface on a ball.  Otherwise, I just clean and go.


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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2020, 09:21:35 PM »
If a PSO is going to resurface a ball when he does plug work he should have a good enough eye to get the surface very close to what it was so the customer doesn’t need to bowl a couple of games to get reaction back. If they can’t do that they should ask the customer if they want it returned to box finish.


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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2020, 08:12:22 AM »
There are so many possible surface variations that even when a PSO tries to guesstimate what is on the ball, they make think they are close but are not.  A shop could invest $1000 in a handheld ball surface scanner to get as close as possible, but that would be a lot of plug and/or resurface work required for the investment to pay off.

There are some people that say that when you get a brand new ball, you should lightly "break the cover" on it right away with a pad of some sort so you always know what it started with.  Then it is easier to duplicate it moving forward when you do a resurface.  You go back to box finish, then break the cover the same why you did when it was new.  Kind of makes sense, although I have never done it.


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Re: Surface Refresh
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2021, 05:57:18 AM »
Yes solid balls especially need frequent resurfacing.

If you just clean it, it will keep getting shinier and you will lose the early hook you wanted.

For the other pearl ball that goes too long, yes hit it lightly with a 3000.

Check out my channel on Youtube called "bowling XP!". I have a laser scanner and do surface experiments, so you will find it useful ! ;)
For video bowling experiments check the "Bowling XP!" Youtube channel.