Yes, indeed. Not to harp on it, but what you say is reflected in what I recently tried to do with one of Brunswick's own balls, the Nemesis (aka the Wizard). I tried Brunwick's polish and Rough Buff with all kinds of different base grits and got terrible results for me, on any of 4 or 5 different oil patterns and lane surfaces. Then I went back to what has worked for me on several balls: 600 grit sanding plus a dose of Track's Clean and Sheen. ANd it worked. This experiment was the basis for that previous reply.
Sorry it isn't available in Germany or Europe; it might be but is probably very expensive or hard to locate. Some of the internet shops (Buddies, Bowlers Paradise, bowling.com) would probably ship to you, but again, very expensively.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."