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Author Topic: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...  (Read 10400 times)

Ric Clint

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What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:58:27 AM »
I read an article by Denny Torgenson (spelling?) where he said that he sanded his V2 Particle after EVERY 3-game set with 600 grit scotchbrite to keep it hooking.

Is this okay? Will it not eventually hurt the coverstock if you sand a ball this much? Or, is this the best way to maintain particle coverstock's in today's bowling?




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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2003, 08:37:27 AM »
Although Denny is a recognized expert on balls and their use and drilling, I read that same article and have a big problem with this exact recommendation. No, I don't have any personal experience with a V2 particle, but I'd think that's an awfully poor design that needed that treatment to work properly. Also Denny, as an Ebonite staff memeber and professional tester, gets his balls a little cheaper than we do; so he would not hesitate to do this.

That said, a light scuffing with a ScotchBrite every 3 games will not wear a high percenatge of its cover away. Besides, if it makes a ball last longer well, in these days of ball's dying every 50-100 games,  I think that would be a good thing. Scotchbrite-ing your V2P after every 6-9 games would seem to be sufficient, as long as it was cleaned fairly well after each use, which you should do with a dull ball anyway.
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Ric Clint

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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2003, 07:38:47 PM »
Well I was wondering about doing this on one of my WOW's. I am a very high maintenance person - I clean all my balls with Track's "Clean and Dull" after every single use!

I have noticed that if I don't keep the WOW sanded after every session, that the ball loses some of it's hook, but after I re-scuff the surface the same big hook comes right back!

So I was wondering if it would hurt the ball in the long run to keep doing this??? I love this ball so much, it matches my game so well more than any ball I've ever had with the exception of the Rock-On!

I've shot sets of 728 & 741 and games of 296, 280, & 300 with the WOW and each time was right after I had freshly re-scuffed the surface!

I just hope it won't hurt the ball's coverstock in the long run!



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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2003, 09:17:24 AM »
There might be something to this.  About 5 yrs ago I was using a Red Pulse, I cleaned it by hand before every league night with alcohol and a green scotchbrite.  I carried a 220+ average most of the season and finished with 220
even.  That was in a house where only the proprietor and a handful of others carried a 200 avg. I shot 2 300's and 2 series in the 790's.  I have since abandoned this cleaning practice and have yet to reach the 220 avg again.  

   I can tell you that this method of cleaning had no adverse effects on the ball, and I used it exclusively in two leagues for 3 seasons.  I abandoned that
method of cleaning because of info on this site for better methods of cleaning.
I can't attribute my best season ever to the use of scotcbrite, or to a good match up of ball, bowler and lane conditions.  Maybe, it was using only one ball, confidence in using that ball, not having to fiddle with fit of the ball, and knowing exactly what to expect from the ball on most conditions.  

Now you have me thinking about using my current method of cleaning and going over it with a green scochbrite afterwards.  Maybe, I should bring out that Nib red pulse, get it drilled like the old one.  Maybe I should sell my arsenal and just use one ball and adjust to conditions.  Maybe I should just stop thinking and just bowl.


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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2003, 09:36:37 AM »
is the green 600 grit?. considering I'm in a sport league it might help a little. I treated the ball with Docs magic elixir and hand scuffing the ball after ever night might help. will this effect my application of docs? anyone?
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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2003, 09:51:55 AM »

I think it was using a good ball and only one ball and the right ball that had more to do with your success than the ritual of alcohol and Scotchbrite after every league session. While I still do not believe that using the Scotch-Brite to re-set the surface after every 3 games is essential, I suspect that the Scotchbrite helped you get every bit of dirt out of every crevice. I think today, there are plenty of great cloths and great cleaners that will help you do the same. A touch up with the Scotch-Brite for the sole puprose of re-setting the surface is probably a good thing every 9-15 games rather than every 3. 3 games is not going to hurt very many balls unless the lane surface is really old and really terrible. (and I have seen that.)

By the way fanatastic shooting that year. Congrats!  


Yes, the green pad is supposed to be about 600 grit.
If you scuff the ball every night, you may be removing the Elixir, which is normally removed by sanding. I'd suggest Scotch-Brite at wider intervals.
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10 In The Pit

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Re: What Denny Torgenson said about sanding bowling balls...
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2003, 03:59:39 AM »
Can You Rev, you ought to drop down into my part of the state where I bowl leagues at.  You won't need to worry about any lack of oil.  I'm running a 600 grit Trauma Response, and still looking for more bite!