Back from testing, with some ambigous results.
The good thing: the 3M stuff works - it is easily useable on a bowling ball and does not affect the surface/coverstock in a negative way.
I made some test games with my Awesome Finish, and my first impression was confirmed: 3M 50077 leaves a glossy but very tacky, pure coverstock that is highly aggressive to dry boards. While I had problems with over/under at the breakpoint with the polished OOB finish and some early (but more predictable) read at 4.000 Abralon, the added compound adds length and lets the ball glide through the heads with ease as long as there is some oil film left. But beware the ball reaches dry ground!
I found a very sharp and continous move off of the breakpoint. Compared to the polished finish on the same fresh lane, I was able to move deeper with my feet (28-30 with OOB polish, played across 3rd board vs. 32nd board and played across 17th board at the arrows, breaking 2-3' earlier than before and covering more space on the lane) and swing the ball. Finally, the dreaded recovery problem with this ball is gone since the Awesome Finish has a much better traction now. But other problems persist
Only drawback so far is that the ball kept up its, er, ambiguity: either strikes in a row - or splits. And it changes without warning. One test game started with a Turkey, followed by 5 different splits in a row, and then again strikes as if nothing had ever been.
I hoped that this would improve with the new surface finish, too, but it seems to stem from other problem sources - I suppose that I simply create too much entry angle with the ball, and I an considering a flare-reducing balance hole to tame this beast down a bit.
I will put some more games to the Awesome Finish in a different house when I have the opportunity to do so, just to cross check the results. But so far, 3M 50077 can be seen as another useful and unexpected weapon in the bowlers' arsenal!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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