Hook-It has a dissolving effect on a lot of plastics. It doesn't have that effect on resin or urethane bowling balls, but it DOES have that effect on polyester (plastic) bowling balls and shouldn't be used on those.
I don't remember offhand what type of plastic that the bottles that Hook-It comes in are made out of, but they do have the recycle symbol on the bottom that tells you. Hook-It obviously has no effect on those.
I have a cleaning mixture that I use sometimes that consists of a 50-50 mixture of Renew-It and Hook-It. I originally got that idea from their website, but then that suggestion vanished for awhile. I think they have it back on there again. (Their website maintenance is a little squirrely) The pro shop I use uses that mixture as well. One time when I was mixing the proportions, I used a little plastic disposable Dixie cup, and the Hook-It attacked that plastic immediately, discoloring and melting it.
I'm a big fan of Hook-It, but I'm leery of carrying it around in my bowling bag. I don't want to find out the hard way what it's likely to dissolve in my bag if it starts to leak.
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