what polish exactly did you use?
I heard and found that some polishes (not beans!) needs to "burn in"
Which means the polish sits on the ball clogging the pores... preventing oil absorbtion and though the ball seems tacky... it will not move on the lane.
Unless the pores open up again with time... I know some proshops that even use that effect to get more length into a ball.
...give the ball another hot water bath after the polish... if that does not help the pores were not stuck in the first place and your polish didn't block them.
Black Magic is an example though I have never used that one and my knowledge is "2nd hand" as some might say
Guess I'll have to order some of that snake oil and resurrection to get a good picture and be able to compare them with bean's stuff.
I use gray pads which is 800/1000grit (worn pad...) as underlayed grit
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson (\_/)
Unoffical Ballreviews.com FAQ
Hot Water Bath - instructions and experience
Bowling lessons and tips VIDEOS - VERY GOOD!
Edited on 7/24/2008 4:56 PM
Edited on 7/24/2008 4:57 PM
Edited on 7/24/2008 4:58 PM
Edited on 7/24/2008 5:35 PM