I recently put a 4" pin-to-pap/135 on a used Messenger Titanium black/gold pearl. Pin is above the fingers. Statics came out 5/8 finger and 5/8 negative. I expected this ball to be fairly weak but, holy cow, is that thing strong. It gets down the lane nicely, makes a BIG move to the pocket and hits the pins HARD. I love it even though I am confused by the reaction. When compared to my 4x4 Heat with the same surface prep, the Ti is way stronger and I did not expect this to be the case. This is my first experiment with a 135* drilling, so I don't know if it's the drilling, the ball, the statics or a combo of all that make it so strong. I'm already looking to get another ball to put this drilling on. The reaction it gives me is awesome. Hope this helps.