I recently got a Cell and it had a 1" pin, initially I was dissapointed but my ball driller said no problem, we can just drill the finger holes deeper to offset the short pin. I believe it is the 5X4 drilling.
The ball is very rolly but I am not getting the same "continuation through the pins" that everyone is talking about with this ball. I have been leaving alot of 10 pins and alot of left side pins are standing. Even when all the pins fall, there is almost always 1 or 2 on the left side that seem to fall late. It has been the weirdest carry I have ever gotten from a ball that I can consistently hit the pocket with.
Depth of the holes:
Middle Finger- 3 inches
Ring Finger- 4 3/8 of an inch
X hole- 3 inches (X hole and ring finger come close to touching each other at the bottom)
I was worried about the depth of the holes taking away from the core. Anyone else ever done this and how did you like it?
Could all this be because the ball is lighter due to more of the ball being drilled out and thus causing the ball to deflect more?
Or is all this in my head?
www.badrap.orgEdited on 1/30/2008 4:05 PM