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Author Topic: 2 questions  (Read 941 times)


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2 questions
« on: April 16, 2007, 04:14:07 AM »
I have a couple of questions I am interested in.

First: What effect does topweight have on a ball? I am a full roller, and have my stuff drilled aggressively. When I got my black widow drilled, I know there had to be a lot taken out of it(weight hole and also ring finger drilled deep). I was told I should find a ball with a low topweight. That's ok for me. The reason I am asking is for my friend. He is interested in buying a new ball, and wants to know what he should go with. I also would like to learn more about this part of bowling. How does topweight effect the ball?

Second: What is the significance of the pin distance? How does this effect the ball?


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Re: 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 12:28:23 PM »
The below was something dizzyfugu repsonded to a question that I asked that was very similar...hope it helps!

Posted: 4/12/2007 9:17 AM    
For a skid/snap ball, I'd go with a longer pin, 3-5'. A high top weight can help, but is IMHO of secondary consideration since the pro shop can fine-tune most things through a balance hole or through deeper thumb or finger holes.
For an arcy ball, IMHO a 1-2" pin is best, and again top weight of secondary consideration, although a lower top weight might be preferrable since a strong drilling will put much top weight of a ball to the PAP's side and mandate a huge x-hole to get static weights back to legal.

Another inportant factor (maybe even more than the drilling and surely more than the top/static weights) is the surface prep. If you want a flippy ball, have it polished. A snaded ball will read the lane earlier, smooth out the breakpoint and make it arc. It does not necessarily increase the number of boards it will cover.