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Author Topic: 2 X 5 drilling  (Read 2647 times)


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2 X 5 drilling
« on: May 13, 2003, 06:49:41 AM »

In the Dynothane website, drilling layout # 4 for the "thing". The pin is 1 1/2" placed in line from PAP to ring finger. CG is at midline about 1/2" right of Centre of grip.
Recommendation is for players with extensive sideroll or high rev bowlers to control dry-short oil pattern.


I'd have thought this layout will  be for early controlled roll as the core is already near it's lowest RG.

Main reason for this post is I'm thinking of using this drill for my wife's "thing" for early controlled roll as her other balls, 6 of them are all drilled stacked or length.


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Re: 2 X 5 drilling
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2003, 03:50:54 AM »
It is OK, that drill is for dry lane patterns, why?

because your laying down the Core or Weight Block and laying down the core will produce small hook or more length, depends on the surface of the ball (Particle or Reactive - Sanded or Polished) and a small flare (2" or 2.5")


Edited on 5/14/2003 4:05 AM


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Re: 2 X 5 drilling
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2003, 04:55:16 AM »
I would not suggest this drilling for anyone unless they have what the DT website suggested: high revs, higher axis rotation, or more of a wet/dry. It is not strictly for a dry condition because the 2" pin to PAP relationship provides relatively early roll and low flare. The approx 5" CG position, relative to the pin position is going to provide very little backend. The Thing although it is a polished solid/pearl ball, is not a ball that gets a lot of length naturally; it doesn't roll early; it is more even than most pearls.

Using this drilling might get your wife's ball to roll VERY early and die in the midlane, unless she has high speed and higher roational axis relative to the amount of dry. This is one case where the ball driller should really watch your wife bowl on this condition to see if this drilling were appropriate for her. There are too many factors involed to just plug them into a formula and spit out an answer.

My guess is that the odds are not good that this drilling will suit your wife's delivery, but that is only a guess. I'd suggest you see the local good driller, if your current driller does not know how to handle these factors.
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