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Author Topic: Analysis and suggestions please!  (Read 3065 times)


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Analysis and suggestions please!
« on: February 07, 2008, 12:33:46 AM »
Would like constructive analysis on the following problem:

Scenario: Low rev lefty (250 RPM). PAP has been measured multiple times and is a variable. Best probability is 4&1/4 by 1/2 up. Best results have always been with Brunswick Inferno line and other low Rg, early rolling balls. Typical pin placement is next to and even with ring finger, Cg slightly swung out, balance hole on PAP. Balance hole below PAP seems to enhance reaction, but only very marginally. Typical speed 16.5 - 17.0 at release.

Bottom line: I’m completely locked out on current league condition. Very heavy oil, nothing moves until end of 3rd game (that part makes sense). Recently started using a Special Agent, pin located 1/2 inch above and exactly between ring and index finger with Cg on a 2” pin stacked right below. Track is approximately 3 inches from holes at fingers, and 2.5 inches from holes at thumb. I can sand the Special Agent to 400 and throw much slower (around 14-15 max). When I do this, the ball goes 50 ft and makes a violent right hand turn, very sharp break. I have 2 700’s using this approach, but it’s all or nothing.

I’m confused. Not sure if the reaction I’m seeing is due to A). Ball design or B) moving my pin to the right or C) going to a pin above layout. Would like to make next purchase a more arcing layout with at least 5 ft earlier break. Purchase will be symmetrical equipment only due to past experience with 4 different asyms.

Assumptions and other thoughts:
- Tried a resurgence. Not a good choice for low rev players. I've drilled it three wyas, currently RICO'd, very mellow, works if I get revs up past 350.
- Previous Infernos with pin left of ring may be too close to PAP, decreasing reaction.

Options as I see them:
1.   Total Inferno, pin down, located between middle and index fingers, Cg swung out, balance hole below PAP.
2.   Special Agent, same configuration as #1.
3.   Other thoughts?

Constructive comments appreciated. Trolls go play elsewhere please. I'm in the worst slump of my life and average is down 25 pins. It's no fun any more. I ned to work thru this.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 08:44:16 AM »
Like you I have had problems with aggressive assymetricals over the years due to my lack of ball speed. Last year Mo Pinel suggested one of his super symetrical layouts in an assym ball and it worked very well for me. You may want to consider that kind of layout for your oil ball. I have drilled many Cell's for hand challenged people the last few weeks and they have loved it's reaction in oil.
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Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 08:59:53 AM »
If you like the Inferno line the total is a good choice. Now, have you thought about a Mammouth. With your rev rate with speed you are more of a speed dominant bowler. The Mammouth has a low RG core along with a solid particle cover. This will start the ball earlier. I would suggest a 4 inch pin with the cg swung slightly out. The ball also comes at I believe 500 grit. If you go with the Total I would do a similar layout. Now the Total's cover is pearl, so I would lower the grit to get it started sooner.
Adam Baer
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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 09:00:21 AM »
It sounds as if you are speed-dominant - IMHO your options sound wise: Take a low RG ball with some surface and drill it strong and arcy, e. g. pin at 3 3/8-4" from PAP and the CG at 45-60°.

Asymmetrical cores can make matters worse. I found that they react in a much narrower frame for errors than "simple" symmetrical cores, so I can confirm this impression, too (and that's why I do not like these cores for true oil balls).

Two more ball options that come to my mind that you might consider: if you can get hold of one, check out the overseas Solid Zone from Brunswick. Blatant colors, but the strong and rolly Raging Red Fuze core coupled with a high friction PK coverstock and matte OOB. I have seen this ball in action, it might be a good base for what you want to achieve.

Another ball for excessive speed - still with an asym. core - is the Immortal Solid. It has tons of differential, and it might be strong enough to get the ball into the early roll and move you are looking for. Ball comes at 1.000 grit sanded, and the coverstock is very tacky and responds well to changes. At OOB, there is still plenty of room for more oil if need be. Just hurry, they are soon to be gone due to legal reasons

Hope this helps a bit?
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 10:19:10 AM »
Thanks guys, but let me focus on this sentence from original post:
I’m confused. Not sure if the reaction I’m seeing is due to A). Ball design or B) moving my pin to the right or C) going to a pin above layout.
What would make that one ball be so dramtically different from everything else I have tried on this slick condition. Which of the 3 potential reasons would you think create a  50 ft and hard right turn eaction? Pin up? Pin right and therefore later for a left hander? Ball design? Something else?

Feedback on this point also appreciated.

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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 10:21:54 AM »
Before you drill a new ball I would suggest going even lower in grit with the Special Agent, perhaps to 280, maybe even 220.  That should give you earlier and slightly more break.  If it doesn't work, you can always take it back to 400.  --  JohnP


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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2008, 11:12:41 AM »
Moving the pin to the right is going to lessen the ball flare. The higher the flare the sooner the ball picks up. The pin up position would also do this. not as much as the pin being moved to the right though. Also with a Special Agent(Storm) is alot cleaner through the front part of the lane. This is why I would suggest the Mammoth as it has the low RG as well as being particle, plus its a mid line ball and sells for around $140 here. You could try to lower the grit on your special Agent now and this may help. When drilling equipment the first thing you should think about is ball flare. This is what helps to dictate the ball motion. A pin around 4" would be ideal. Then considering your ball speed I would definitely use a lower grit surface ball. I would put the pin down with a weight hole down as well. This will help to get the ball flaring faster and and hooking sooner. I hope this helps answer your question.
Adam Baer
Track Regional Staff
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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2008, 11:18:26 AM »
I went with a RICO drill on a Buzzbomb to fight the conditions you describe. Granted, I am on the correct side of the lane, but the problem sounds the same. This is the first ball I have thrown that moves in this house. Sounds like you need to get the pin down to get the ball rolling sooner. The OOB cover of the Buzzbomb should be strong enough (1000?), but you can always take it down if need be.
Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2008, 11:37:25 AM »
IMHO - It's the change in speed!

When you slow down (to 14 mph), you give the ball more of a chance to react off the dry. It sounds like you have long oil or carrydown (or both!), and your normal 16-17 mph speed (being dominant over your revs) is causing you to blow past the breakpoint.

The other issue is that it sounds like you are a medium to low tracker with some tilt. This will cause the ball to skate down the lane further before reaching the breakpoint. Also, if the core is finally turning over at the breakpoint with the tilt it sounds like you have, then you are going to see a more defined angle than a nice arc shape to the ball trajectory.

Can you increase your track diameter by adjusting your release/tilt? This might help early on in the first two games, and will help the ball to read earlier, causing more arc than skid/snap reaction.
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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2008, 11:42:49 AM »
Good call. Getting behind the ball will help. I got all excited about the ball and forgot about the guy throwing it
Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: Analysis and suggestions please!
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2008, 01:03:19 PM »
All very good points. I think I see which options to try now. Thanks to all!
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