Sounds like you first need to re verify your PAP with a low flare (preferably spare ) ball, using the tape method. Get this reading and keep it on file yourself. Sounds to me if you are 1 inch from finger and thumb with your track, you are approx 5 1/2 over and 1/2 up. This makes your Ogre about a 41/2 to 5 pin to PAP. Pin under, cg out and OOB finish sounds like a great drill. It will read somewhat later than you expect because of the higher rg at 2.59 and the medium flare potential. Also is just the nature of this beast, same read I get with mine drilled similar. Ball also makes a surprising backend move for a 600 grit cover. The more I think of this...I will bet you or he are mistaking the 2 for a 5.....he may have hand writing that resembles mine sometimes. Have you asked him what it is or just reading the sheet yourself? Really sounds like your balls are drilled fine, esp the Ogre. If you ever want to try an early roll set up, put the pin on or very near your PAP ...the pin will be quite a bit right of ring and down some, the cg will be angled back toward the center of grip(use a 4 to 5 inch pin out spec ball to keep stats in check). This will roll up early and then be very smooth on the back...great for wet dry up the boards. But this layout will not pop on the back and is condition specific, but is probably a look you have not yet seen. Hope this helps clear the confusion, Al