Hello all,
We have an Innovative Drill with the suction cup to hold the ball and digial scales for the pitches.
We also have flat headed mill bits.
However, we have yet to find a good way to figure out how to mill the holes, usually make them too big.
A friend of mine just gave us a couple of micrometers to use. When I measure the width of my thumb |------| I get .900, but could get away with being as low as .885. The other measure of my thumb thumb nail side to pad side is around .790.. So, with those measurements, and an oval degree of 35 or so.. I cannot remember exactly, I am not in the proshop.. What do I do with those numbers?
Also, someone sent us an oval chart for interchangable thumbs, According to those numbers, which do I use to get the oval size? An example is a size 57 is 0.890 and 0.796 (the width and height of the thumb)