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Author Topic: Alias concept and MB position for other balls  (Read 2017 times)


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Alias concept and MB position for other balls
« on: February 14, 2018, 09:45:09 AM »
So the top weight in the Alias allows you to position the MB 6 3/4 from the thumb hole to turn the ball into a symmetrical ball.  This makes sense since the asymmetry created by the thumb hole cancels out the asymmetry of the core.  But how does this relate to a standard MB placement on other asymmetrical balls.  It is always said that putting the MB farther from the thumb makes the ball get into the hook and roll phase sooner.  But isn't putting the MB farther from the thumb, putting it closer to 6 3/4 away and thus cancelling out the asymmetry and making the ball more symmetrical?  Do symmetrical balls usually get into a hook and roll phase sooner than an asymmetrical ball?
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Re: Alias concept and MB position for other balls
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2018, 08:06:11 AM »
By shifting the mass you are actually making it more symmetric than a symmetric ball. Once a symmetric ball is drilled, it becomes asymmetric. The Alias drilled to be symmetric will get you if not to 0; very close to 0 on the Int. differential(mass bias). Would other asymmetric balls do the same? Not 100% of them, however even the ones that do, typically with the statistical weights, it would require a weight hole, thus making it asymmetric again.

Symmetric balls do typically slow down sooner asymmetric balls.
Adam Baer
Track Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff


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Re: Alias concept and MB position for other balls
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2018, 10:36:37 AM »
Tested the drillings on the blueprint trial version and it has the same affect.  Ideally you want a ball with around  two ounces of top weight,  or an xout the has the mb kicked in the direction you need the mb to go.

Worked on tbe 607a, the antics,  and a black widow in the bp trial sioftware.
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