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Author Topic: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill  (Read 6184 times)


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Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« on: January 08, 2017, 10:37:02 AM »
I have a chance to pick up a used Alpha Crux (15 games). Pin and cgnomadah are stacked over the middle of bridge, and MB is to the RIGHT of thumb. I've never tried that drill. What reaction shape will I get?. I know I have a Gamebreaker that's pin over ring and Cg in middle, thinking it might be the same, which in this case id length with some back end snap... Thoughts?




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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 11:37:42 AM »
What is that pin-PAP for you (pin over center of bridge)?
What is you PAP again?
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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2017, 02:01:08 PM »
Let me be sure what you mean by RIGHT of thumb. If you're looking down at the ball with the fingers up and the thumb down, that means the MB is the strong position for a right hander, and consequently the ball was drilled for a righty.
For a lefty (as in yourself) the MB is in the weak position, meaning that if you keep that drill pattern, the reaction is most likely going to puke. You're almost certainly looking at a full plug and re-drill for the ball to work acceptably.
On the other hand, if you're looking down on the ball with the thumb up and the finders down, the MB is in the strong position for a left hander, and you have a drill that will probably work well. I'd guess that 90% of asymmetric drills place the pin above fingers between the ring and center grip line with the MB in the strong position. Your PAP will determine optimum placement based on what you want to achieve.
For me, that drill provides length with some backend pop. It's a very safe pattern that most bowlers can throw with success.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2017, 03:24:43 PM »
I'd be more worried about the cover than the layout. That layout wouldn't be terrible for a lefty, especially on house. But those covers don't last much past 40 or 50 games unless extremely well maintained. This ball is nearly halfway there based upon your initial post.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 03:58:18 PM »
A weak MB and low revs usually isn't a great combination. But I agree on the cover. He's taking a big chance.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 04:17:40 PM »
A weak MB and low revs usually isn't a great combination. But I agree on the cover. He's taking a big chance.
whacky video, but it's the same layout Gary Faulkner uses here...


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2017, 04:31:23 PM »
Good comments, guys. Thanks for the rapid feedback... It's appreciated. Jeff, sorry I didn't include PAP, I should have as a matter of standards... 5x1 is my current PAP.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2017, 05:04:42 PM »
Good comments, guys. Thanks for the rapid feedback... It's appreciated. Jeff, sorry I didn't include PAP, I should have as a matter of standards... 5x1 is my current PAP.

BTW, have you started the process of correcting your stretched span so that you can proceed to also fix your thumb issues?? No ball is going to overcome those problems.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2017, 08:37:23 PM »
Good comments, guys. Thanks for the rapid feedback... It's appreciated. Jeff, sorry I didn't include PAP, I should have as a matter of standards... 5x1 is my current PAP.

After reading Steven's reply, I forgot you are lefty and and that MB position all but removes this ball from consideration, unless you plug all 3 holes and start from scratch.
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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 09:45:48 PM »

After reading Steven's reply, I forgot you are lefty and and that MB position all but removes this ball from consideration, unless you plug all 3 holes and start from scratch.

Exactly. There might be some bowler types who could get away with the MB in the weak position, but I've never seen it with lower rev bowlers. Unless there is something I'm missing, that ball is going to require a complete plug and re-drill.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2017, 04:55:37 AM »

After reading Steven's reply, I forgot you are lefty and and that MB position all but removes this ball from consideration, unless you plug all 3 holes and start from scratch.

Exactly. There might be some bowler types who could get away with the MB in the weak position, but I've never seen it with lower rev bowlers. Unless there is something I'm missing, that ball is going to require a complete plug and re-drill.

I've one guy get a decent reaction when the MB was on the track side and he had about 40 degrees of tilt and very slow ball speed.

Normally such an MB/PSA placement produces very little backend and requires one to play a very straight, outside line. Given the pin placement, this drill will max out the flare because of its asymmetry.  A bowler using this drill would also usually require very high ball speed to get a good reaction.

Pretty sure all this requires you, Steve, to plug all holes and start from scratch.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 11:29:26 AM by charlest »
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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2017, 08:49:48 AM »
Thanks guys. I'm not interested i a complete redrill, so will pass on this one.
Steven, I've got the span right where I want it now, and very comfortable with no pain. As you would expect, increased revs (a bit) and a more flexible release. Problem now is I'll go 6-7 in a row and then lose it all. Went to a long practice session yesterday and have identified two problems.... 1. Ovals... I'm working them out consistently and the width changes in the slug (yes, I really do measure with inside calipers... :)  and 2. I've got everything set at 0/0, but have several test slugs and am finding 1/8 forward and 1/8 away to be more consistent for me. Good progesss, just working out the kinks.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2017, 11:08:33 AM »
If you have the span where you want it, cool.  :) 
When you mention previously that your span was still "stretched", some alarms went off in my head. I was slightly stretched for many years and didn't really realize it. The major symptom was that I was always fiddling with my thumb: Tape in, tape out. On-going swelling and shrinking. Having to use different size ITs on an on-going basis. The final straw was a tournament in Vegas where I swelled to the point of not being able to get out of the ball with any consistency. I knew I had to find a fix.
After consulting with a few guys who know their stuff, I reduced my span by 1/8". As minor as that seems, my thumb issues disappeared. Now, I rarely have to change the number of pieces of tape, except for longer blocks where I might have to take out a piece or two.
Span does make a difference. Food for thought if you have thumb issues in the future.


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2017, 11:16:46 AM »
Good data Steven, thanks. Very interesting... Although everything feels fine, and I think the 1/8 forward will do it, let's check to see if I've got two things right ....
- In theory, proper span can be roughly gauged by making sure that the middle of your fingers as measured between the first and second bend comes to within 1/8 of the edge of the gripping hole (or edge of insert...) Yes?
- Second, although a change may not be necessary, generally accepted principle indicates that a change in span would "possibly" indicate a change in pitch... I'm at office with no notes. What direction would be indicated and does it consider thumb or finger only? I will say that I still use less finger reverse than I should for the pads to fully connect...


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Re: Alpha Crux - reaction shape for specific drill
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 04:44:39 PM »
To point#1, yes. I'm a disciple of Ron Clifton on this, and I believe in his teachings on the question of appropriate span.
As far as finger and thumb pitches, that's a very personal thing that goes to flexibility and other factors. I don't believe there is any one formula that applies to everyone. I bowl with some very high level guys who have a wide variation in pitches. But the one constant seems to be that they don't have stretched spans. It's really hard to manage a death grip and maintain any level of consistency on more difficult patterns.