Would like constructive analysis on the following problem:
Scenario: Low rev lefty (250 RPM). PAP has been measured multiple times and is a variable. Best probability is 4&1/4 by 1/2 up. Best results have always been with Brunswick Inferno line and other low Rg, early rolling balls. Typical pin placement is next to and even with ring finger, Cg slightly swung out, balance hole on PAP. Balance hole below PAP seems to enhance reaction, but only very marginally. Typical speed 16.5 - 17.0 at release.
Bottom line: I’m completely locked out on current league condition. Very heavy oil, nothing moves until end of 3rd game (that part makes sense). Recently started using a Special Agent, pin located 1/2 inch above and exactly between ring and index finger with Cg on a 2†pin stacked right below. Track is approximately 3 inches from holes at fingers, and 2.5 inches from holes at thumb. I can sand the Special Agent to 400 and throw much slower (around 14-15 max). When I do this, the ball goes 50 ft and makes a violent right hand turn, very sharp break. I have 2 700’s using this approach, but it’s all or nothing.
I’m confused. Not sure if the reaction I’m seeing is due to A). Ball design or B) moving my pin to the right or C) going to a pin above layout. Would like to make next purchase a more arcing layout with at least 5 ft earlier break. Purchase will be symmetrical equipment only due to past experience with 4 different asyms.
Assumptions and other thoughts:
- Tried a resurgence. Not a good choice for low rev players. I've drilled it three wyas, currently RICO'd, very mellow, works if I get revs up past 350.
- Previous Infernos with pin left of ring may be too close to PAP, decreasing reaction.
Options as I see them:
1. Total Inferno, pin down, located between middle and index fingers, Cg swung out, balance hole below PAP.
2. Special Agent, same configuration as #1.
3. Other thoughts?
Constructive comments appreciated. Trolls go play elsewhere please. I'm in the worst slump of my life and average is down 25 pins. It's no fun any more. I ned to work thru this.
Thanks in advance
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