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Author Topic: Anatomical Drilling Technique  (Read 92185 times)


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Anatomical Drilling Technique
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:02:07 AM »
I saw this term on a FB page and was wondering what exactly it is?  Anyone drill their balls this way or have experience with it?  Wanted insight before I decided to spend the $12.95 that he is asking.  Thanks!!



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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2015, 11:57:58 PM »
I've tried the grip as well and my thoughts are the same as Strapper_Squared.   I've had difficulty getting out of the ball cleanly and consistently.   I've tried the grip now with 2 different thumb pitches and span adjustments.   I've drilled my own equipment for many years now and have even used the Max - Y grip with success, so the ADT isn't as foreign to me as it would be to others.   I've found it hard to vary release techniques. I feel I'm being locked into one release to get the ball off my hand cleanly.   When it does come off cleanly the ball reaction is very good.  I'm on the fence right now with the grip but will keep experimenting with it for a little while longer. 


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #62 on: March 11, 2015, 12:10:07 AM »
I came up with 30 degrees for mine..


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #63 on: March 11, 2015, 12:13:30 AM »
So what about your spare ball.....can it be done with this drilling and any benefits or disadvantages with it when throwing straight


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #64 on: March 11, 2015, 12:22:01 AM »
I also came up with 30 degrees.   30 does not seem uncommon.


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #65 on: March 11, 2015, 01:13:10 AM »
I've already emailed Joe a couple of times, and still nothing.

Maybe I should have him try to send it to another email account? I've had troubles getting stuff through my main one in the past, but not for the last couple of years.


Give it another day as he has always got back to me soon, but 2 Emails went unanswered for the first time today, so I assume he was really busy elsewhere.
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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2015, 03:57:17 AM »
If the base fit is good, the release will be cleaner, changing the track and enabling them to alter the release.

The initial fit, before ADT adjustments must adhere to the following:

(*) pitches in the fingers should match the finger flexibility of the individual.  This will lead to every human being having reverse in the fingers as the anatomical nature of the fingers would require reverse to match the natural flexibility.

(*) 4 1/4" as the span base for 0 front-to-back based on measuring the thumb to the 1/2 way point on the middle finger (between the two joints).

(*) starting away pitch that matches the hand (1/8" - 3/8" away) before adding the additional lateral.  This suggests a starting away of 1/2" to 3/4" lateral away.

(*) Oval angle verified on the anatomical drill line for the thumb.

(*) Finger anatomical drill line measured exactly as shown clearly in the video

For those who are having difficulty clearing the thumb, there is something not consistent with the above principles in your attempt to implement.  If your starting fit was not consistent with these principles, it doesn't match what I stated as an IBPSIA base fit. 

I respond to all e-mail messages as quickly as I can.  Please send me your grip specs used for the ADT grip that you tried and I will make recommendations for you.  I want to help.  But, I have made recommendations to some and these have been disregarded with the individual saying the release is not clean.  If you follow my guidelines, you will get to a point where the release is cleaner significantly.  If the tension in the wrist is not reduced and the swing more free, your implementation is not consistent with ADT principles.

I have been on an 11 hour flight and have a small layover in Paris and I am responding.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 05:05:18 AM by Bowling_Coach_Slowinski »


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #67 on: March 11, 2015, 03:04:53 PM »
I drilled up a Nib jazz that I had lying around with this new drilling methed.My thumb before was 1/8" forward x 0" lateral. My pap is 4 3/4" x 0" (Rt hand).First point, the layout felt really comfortable in my hand. I already drill a offset thumb w/Clt.I went to this method totally to the tee.The fingers are at more of angle than before which feels good. My thumb is now 1/8" forward by 3/8" left pitch. My big problem is now I track half way over my thumb. My pap went to 6"x1/4" up.I'm not sure why I tracked so much over the thumb with my up the back release. I don't even come close with my other layout. I'm thinking maybe it's the ball (Jazz=very weak) and drill combination  ( pin  down in center of the grip ).I'm going to drill up a Nib Brutal Nightmare with the pin high and 2" buffer off my Val line . I'll post in a few days with the results
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 03:08:03 PM by luv2C10falll »


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2015, 02:13:05 AM »
If you have not received a reply from an e-mail sent to me, please send it again as I make an effort to reply to each and every e-mail.

I just received the following message from a bowler who changed the initial ADT effort based on my feedback to him.

"Thanks Coach!
My hand feels completely relaxed while delivering the ball with this fitting.
No strain or pain in my hand during or after bowling."

I also received this feedback from another bowler who just had the ADT drilled at a shop this week.

"First test of the ADT on one of my bowling balls. My first impression is that the ball feels like an extension of my hand. My swing is more fluid and the release is much easier."

If you have questions, please send me an e-mail so I can discuss the grip with you.  Most people, who have some issues, begin with a base grip which is significantly far from what I consider a base fit.  So, the adjustments need to be significantly more for them.

If the base fit is good, the release will be cleaner, changing the track and enabling them to alter the release.

The initial fit, before ADT adjustments must adhere to the following:

(*) pitches in the fingers should match the finger flexibility of the individual.  This will lead to every human being having reverse in the fingers as the anatomical nature of the fingers would require reverse to match the natural flexibility.

(*) 4 1/4" as the span base for 0 front-to-back based on measuring the thumb to the 1/2 way point on the middle finger (between the two joints).

(*) starting away pitch that matches the hand (1/8" - 3/8" away) before adding the additional lateral.  This suggests a starting away of 1/2" to 3/4" lateral away.

(*) Oval angle verified on the anatomical drill line for the thumb.

(*) Finger anatomical drill line measured exactly as shown clearly in the video

For those who are having difficulty clearing the thumb, there is something not consistent with the above principles in your attempt to implement.  If your starting fit was not consistent with these principles, it doesn't match what I stated as an IBPSIA base fit. 
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 02:45:39 AM by Bowling_Coach_Slowinski »


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #69 on: March 13, 2015, 11:55:25 AM »
Joe, I have 0 F/R in fingers and am going to add 1/8 reverse per your message to me a few days ago. My question here is ... by adding 1/8 reverse, do I need to lengthen span maybe 1/16 or reduce thumb F/R pitch 1/16, etc ?

I hope to be able to drill the ADT grip Monday night.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 11:57:05 AM by Brickguy221 »
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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2015, 11:44:49 PM »
Ok.........I drilled up a Nib Brutal nightmare with the pin 21/2" above my ring finger and 11/2" from my Val line.I noticed the track didn't flare over my thumb but does come really close. I'm not liking the 1/8" forward in my thumb because I hang on the ball now. My release was a lot cleaner before. I'm going to plug the thumb  take out the 1/8" forward to see if that cleans up my release.I also noticed that the angle of degree changes a little with the new layout.I use a IT thumb from vise so that's a easy fix to redo the slug IT to the proper angle. I'm thinking a change of 5-8° will work just fine.I'll make those changes tomorrow and post my results
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 11:48:04 PM by luv2C10falll »

Ken De Beasto

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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #71 on: March 13, 2015, 11:55:38 PM »
Pictures please!! Curious
Ok.........I drilled up a Nib Brutal nightmare with the pin 21/2" above my ring finger and 11/2" from my Val line.I noticed the track didn't flare over my thumb but does come really close. I'm not liking the 1/8" forward in my thumb because I hang on the ball now. My release was a lot cleaner before. I'm going to plug the thumb  take out the 1/8" forward to see if that cleans up my release.I also noticed that the angle of degree changes a little with the new layout.I use a IT thumb from vise so that's a easy fix to redo the slug IT to the proper angle. I'm thinking a change of 5-8° will work just fine.I'll make those changes tomorrow and post my results


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #72 on: March 14, 2015, 01:39:57 AM »
I'll get those tomorrow


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2015, 03:29:56 AM »
Today, I sent-out clarification for starting pitches as there are simply too many variations on where the fits start.  I recent sent-out an IBPSIA ADT version to members.  I included more specific starting point pitch guidance.  So, I am doing the same with everyone.  It was truly surprising to see so much variation.  Start with the recommendations and then make the ADT adjustments and the result will be a good starting place.  With all grips, there will need to be follow-up adjustments.

I posted the below in the Bowlingchat forum as well.

My goal is to help bowlers have a better experience. And, the feedback has been very positive from so many.

As with any new process, there are implementation challenges. And, I am dealing with these to help everyone have a good experience. Accordingly, I am sending-out clarification on a starting point for the fit before making ADT adjustments.

There are too many variations for a general starting fit. So, perhaps, the discussions everyone is having about this and other drilling/fitting procedures will lead to more anatomically-based fitting for more bowlers which is good for everyone.

Too many who are having issues are putting their own spin on the process. For example, the gripping power comes from the thumb to ring finger. The pinky is not a major part of the human gripping process. It isn't simply about the direction the thumb faces but how the hand grips. So, I encourage to try the process as intended. The starting pitch guidance will help those who are having some issues with their initial ADT test.

If you give the process a change, the outcome will be good. And, I am very proud to help many eliminate pain and stress in their wrist while improving their performance with a freer swing and cleaner release.

If you have sent me a clarification e-mail and I haven't responded please send your e-mail again. I have been travelling continents over the last few days.

My initial recommendations for lateral thumb for those who have asked come from the fact that the thumb sits to the outside of the thumb. So, when you tell me your starting point was 0 or under, it isn't an acceptable starting point for the ADT process. This is not anatomically acceptable.


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2015, 11:23:39 AM »
It eventually comes down to the same thing. You may have a very good starting point, but there are going to be a need for tweaks and maybe several to get things  exact.I knew this going into the process,that's why I'm plugging the ball again.I think for many people that may not be a luxury. You have to add in the expense at some point or have a driller that's willing to work with you on those expenses. That being said, I have noticed a better feel of the ball on my hand. I just need to tweak it a bit to get the track back down and off my thumb on weaker balls. I love a good challenge  !!


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Re: Anatomical Drilling Technique
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2015, 05:54:26 PM »
I'm going to plug the thumb  take out the 1/8" forward to see if that cleans up my release.

No real need to plug, you can make that small a change by using a slug.  That's quicker and most likely less expensive.  --  JohnP