Thanks, I have that video of NIck with the Variable weightholes stored in my favorites and forgot it.
What size are those weightholes, 1 1/4 inch? Is that the maximum limit? I forgot....
It appears that the weighthole beyond the VAL is a little more reaction than the weighthole down the VAL but they are close. Is that what you see also?
Regarding the second video of the hole on the PAP that surprised me. I always though of holes on the PAP as not affecting reaction based on
Mo's Gradient Balance holes
http://radicalbowling.com/uploads/downloads/radical-layouts.pdfNever did I realize that larger holes on the PAP could increase reaction this much if my eyes are reading what I saw correctly from the second video above. This as the size of the hole increased! ? I am confused as to the P2 hole and the increase I see from a large hole in the video.
Regarding the P4 hole or double thumb. I wonder how it compares to the old fashion past the VAL flare increasing hole?
I also still wonder if flare increases in the later flare rings as a ball slows down? Or do the flare rings stay an equal distance apart based on the weighthole and flare potential of the core?
Finally I wonder, How do you see the difference in the Length and Backend drill to the length only drilling of the Brusnwick Symmetric ball sheet?