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Author Topic: 4x4 flip vs 5x3 control  (Read 1012 times)


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4x4 flip vs 5x3 control
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:59:47 PM »
What kind of difference would you expect to see between these two drills.
4x4 with the MB just right of the thumb
compared to
5x3 with the MB on your VAL.

4x4 is a lot of flare and with the MB in the strong position you expect a nice flip on the back end.

The 5x5 should be slightly less flare, with a little more length than the 4x4, but also with an earlier roll by putting the MB on your VAL.

It seems counter productive, to add length with the Pin to Pap distance, and then make it roll earlier with a MB on your VAL.

So, would they end up being similar in the way they roll on the lane, or am I missing the bigger picture?




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Re: 4x4 flip vs 5x3 control
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 05:35:14 AM »
With the larger pin-to-PAP distance, you tap less of the ball's flare potential. The ball will hook less and potentially deplete its energy later/more even than a ball with a stronger pin position.

The MB position will define the hook/breakpoint shape. In a strong position (90°/stacked) you get a sharp turn, because big migration forces are at work. The turn comes sudden, because the MB axis is way off the PSA.
If you move the MB closer to the PAP, you reduce these migration powers - again, the hook shape will be more even and the reaction smoother.

There fore, you should get with a 5x3 layout a much more controllable and "harmless" reaction than with 4x4, which should look more hockey stick-like. They should IMHO work on similar conditions, though.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany