the drill you are talking about is a basic 4 x 5 (for most typical pap locations) with the mb toward the track,.. this tends to produce a medium length with and arcing backend,..For me I prefer at least a 3-4" pin,..this will always provide you and your driller with more variables in patterns, some like longer, some shorter,..depends on what you are looking for. Also the ball you select should be a ball designed for skid/flip,...the more vertical the weight block, ie; higher differential,..and or a ball that has a weight block with a flip block design will be better for your selection,...for me I want a ball that stores energy on the backs so it will have the pop to flip,..Pearls, and balls that will shine are best for me. Some balls that are advertised to be big hook balls,..are also early hook balls, and have a hard time getting the lenght and energy to skid/flip,...a good skid/flip drill for me is a 5 x 4 layout with the pin over the fingers,..with a 6" hole on the verticle span line to remove the side weight to below 1/2 oz..not all drills work for every one,..speed, revs, lanes,.etc..have to be considered...any more questions e-mail me at