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Author Topic: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?  (Read 4737 times)


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Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:20:24 AM »
What is the difference between asymetrical and symetrical?



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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 01:58:54 PM »
From a physics standpoint, asymmetrics have a significant preferred spin axis (in addition to the one at the pin that all balls have).  Symmetrics don't.  On a machine like a deTerminator, an asymmetric ball will find its PSA in 5-15 seconds, while a symmetric ball will take much longer if it finds it at all.  The lower the spin time, the stronger the asymmetry.  The strongest asyms today are in the 5-5.5s range, while milder ones are closer to 10-12 seconds.

There are several ways to create asymmetry: adding mass to one side with core shapes (Track's bread and butter), density changes (The One series and the X-factors and Paradigms do that), or by stretching a symmetric core (the current Zone core).



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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2007, 09:15:33 PM »
What is the difference in how they roll?


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2007, 10:32:04 PM »
Medium to strong asyms tend to be more angular than comparable symmetric counterparts.  It's hard to say because there aren't that many cases of a symmetric ball that's similar numbers-wise and cover-wise to an asym.  The most obvious example is the Inferno/Zone balls.  The OI and ZC were similar balls for similar conditions, but the ZC was more angular and slightly stronger.

But medium to strong asyms are so versatile and the MB placement has such a strong effect on ball reaction that you can get a wide variety of reactions out of them.  You could make that ZC much more angular, but you could also make it smoother just by adjusting the MB location.



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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 05:38:23 AM »
Thanks absolute, is the Total Inferno asymetrical or symetrical?


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 06:04:30 AM »
The Total Inferno is symetrical.
c(')(') Chuck Norris doesnt believe Germany.


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 10:24:36 AM »
The Total Inferno is symetrical.
c(')(') Chuck Norris doesnt believe Germany.

Ok my PAP is 5 3/4 up and 1/8 over. I think thats how you say it or its vice versa. But anyways....Would I match up better with asymetrical or symetrical. I roll a TI and the margin of error is small. I've rolled it pretty well so far but would a asymetrical ball match up better and which of the two types hook more?


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 10:31:24 AM »
Ok my PAP is 5 3/4 up and 1/8 over. I think thats how you say it or its vice versa.

That's not quite how you say it.  Or you have the most unique ball roll ever.  

But anyways....Would I match up better with asymetrical or symetrical.

I don't think PAP has much to do with it, and you might match up with some asyms but not others, just as you match up with some symmetrics but not others.



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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2007, 11:39:35 AM »
Ok my PAP is 5 3/4 up and 1/8 over. I think thats how you say it or its vice versa.

That's not quite how you say it.  Or you have the most unique ball roll ever.  

But anyways....Would I match up better with asymetrical or symetrical.

I don't think PAP has much to do with it, and you might match up with some asyms but not others, just as you match up with some symmetrics but not others.


Ok its 5 3/4 over and 1/8 up. A few drillers have told me its very important to know your PAP. Im still a new bowler only 173 avg in 1 year of bowling in leagues and Im still looking to see how I match up best with eqiptment as far as ball types and layouts, so I live on here and in pro shops learning as much as I can about the game and balls and everything I can to be the best the game has ever seen!


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 11:54:10 AM »
I have heard that that angularity that you can get with an Asym ball can help the bowlers with less revs, play deeper lines, and also help carry.  Whereas angularity is not usually what people with lower ball speed and more revs are looking for.

"I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. "


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 12:06:56 PM »
I have heard that that angularity that you can get with an Asym ball can help the bowlers with less revs, play deeper lines, and also help carry.  Whereas angularity is not usually what people with lower ball speed and more revs are looking for.

"I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. "

Ok Well I swing it about 20-10 and I have about average revs and I throw 15mph. I dont really play a down and in. I swing it usually. Im a stroker. My video is in my sig so you can get an idea of how I like to play! If you could tell me.....I know it looks tough to see how the ball is rolling. But by anyones judgement, what type of rev rate would you guess it is? I've never tried to measure it.

Edited on 2/6/2007 1:05 PM


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2007, 12:20:39 PM »
As we know on symetrical balls the CG has an important roll on the ball motion, on the other hand for asymetrical balls the MB is the one to watch. Being that the case why we buy asymetrical balls with the CG offset more than one inch from the line between the pin and the MB? In most cases a hole has to be drilled just to take the ball to USBS specs. Why the companies have not been able to align the three points, pin, CG and MB since the CG has little meaning on the perfomance of the ball why drilling a hole just because the CG is out of alignment in regards to the other points. Is this a quality issue?


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Re: Asymetrical/Symetrical difference?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2007, 02:04:07 PM »
IMO, a strong asymmetric ball should not be used by anyone that doesn't have a very consistent release.  As a relative beginner, I would suggest you stay with symmetric cores until your release becomes consistent.  --  JohnP